

The CQJB Mid-Term Conference

On the 17th of October the Mid-Term Conference of the Project “Certification and Qualification for Europe’s Job Brokers (CQJB)” took place at the gsub – Gesellschaft für soziale Unternehmensberatung mbH in Berlin. The Event was designed as a multiplier event to inform and discuss about the latest developments in the project with the professional public. 40 participants followed the invitation and took part in the event.

In the first part of event, Richard Parks from Rinova Ltd. presented the Job Broker project: wherefrom the idea for this come (payment by results), what we have already done and what we will still do. Further, he presented the project approach and the main challenges.

In the second part all project partners introduced their company/organisation. They also presented the current situation on the labour market in their country/region, most important labour market challenges for the future and how/ where Job Broker could be used prospective in their countries.


Our certification agency ACTA presented the developing schemes for the certification of persons.

In the third part of the event, Dr. Barbara Philippi presented about the labour market situation in Berlin from the view of Berlin Senate Department for Integration, Labour and Social Affairs.

The feedback of the conference delegates was very positive. They got an idea about what the Job Broker is and learned something about the partner countries. They could see how the partners with all their different skills and different influences from different countries created together the Job Broker QF and that all this shaped the result and is a part of.