

CQJB - Greek Workshop

The workshop in Greece has been organised and realized by DIMITRA Education and Consulting, the coordinator of the project. Since it took place during the social distancing measures era, imposed by the COVID – 19 pandemic, the workshop could not take place with open invitations as it would have been a risk for unregistered people to attend and end up with a room with more people than it would have been safe for avoiding the spread of COVID-19.

The agenda of the workshop included the overall presentation of the project and the detailed presentation of the CQJB training program and certification. In continuance and in order for the participants to get the best possible idea about the outcomes a workshop took place with indicative classroom activities as well as with showcasing the self and work based learning activities.

The participants seemed very interested about the project and its activities and they were very eager to learn more and participate in future CQJB activities. Interesting questions were asked and  vivid discussion took place at the end of the workshop. Furthermore, the partners really enjoyed coffee networking as they got the chance to get to know each other better and see how they can cooperate under the CQJB umbrella.

The facilitator of the event was Vaggeli Antouela and had been supported by Vaso Anastasopoulou and Maria Koutiva, who have been involved in the CQJB project from the beginning.