

CQJB educational course was held and 9 job brokers are now certified in Sweden

The piloting of CQJB training material started 16 January and finished 1 June 2020, it was conducted each Friday and once on Thursday between these dates (8 sessions totally). Each session was half a day (from after lunch until late evening, 6-7 hours in average). The training material for CQJB is unique and covers job brokage principals. It was developed by the project partnership:

Job brokers in Uppsala, Sweden attending CQJB seminars were of different educational and work background. 5 of the job brokers had over 2 years of experience in the areas of labour market management, labour market integration, inclusion of vulnerable disadvantaged groups in the society and labour market (immigrants/refugees, individuals with mental health issues)

1 job broker is a law student with high expertise in international labour market policies, employees and employers rights and obligations, relevant hours in high school regarding sociology, labour market studies. 2 attendants are bachelor and master students in economy, with experience in economic aspects of labour market management, underwent many hours of studies in the areas of human resources management, career consulting.  2 participants are experienced in social management, 1 is working as a manager in Uppsala kommun (municipality) dealing with issues of integration, employment, social adaptation. 1 job broker is student in social anthropology, with wide experience in management and integration issues.

Participants of the course mentioned that the materials had very good quality, they said that it was notable that a lot of time, efforts and resources was spent to the development of materials, and that it was created by a high-expertise team.

Some participants commented that they liked the approach for work-based activities, and how it was described in the material, very clearly and understandable. They would prefer to have more WBL, practical activities, excursions, exchange of experience and good practices.

They liked a lot the idea of job broker, as facilitator to support labour market integration of disadvantaged groups, specifically, they said it is very relevant for Sweden.

Job brokers also liked the structure of modules, working areas. They said it was systematized logically and clearly.

Participants commented that sessions were very interactive and engaging, they liked that they didn’t just listen to theoretical information, but also could contribute with their thoughts, opinions, and views. It was a lot of lively discussions They also enjoyed very much answering questions, multiple choice questions as well as open ended questions.

Many participants liked that the materials gave space for open discussions, job brokers felt comfortable and secure at sessions, they could easily share and discuss their opinions, share experience, views. It was very beneficial that part of participants had job brokering experience or studied relevant topics, so everyone was at good level of knowledge, contributed to discussions, answered questions.

After the end of piloting job brokers took the exam coordinated by Folkuniversitetet with support of ACTA. All of the job brokers successfully passed the examination and became certified specialists in Job brokage in Sweden and EU.